Friday, January 11, 2019

Little changes

Hi everyone! I’m going to write about some changes that I would like to do in my study program…

Well, as we know almost the 100% of the careers have unnecessary subjects and I say “unnecessary” because the most of them don’t have something related with the work that you would like to do in the future or maybe could exist the possibility that the subject could be necessary for understand others things that you definitely will use in your future job but it doesn’t include all the massive matters that you should learn in the subject, just is a little part of it (that could be called like “junk content”). Based in my study program and in my first year of university I consider Calculus, Mechanic and their derivatives subjects in the category called “unnecessary” and If I could change them for another subject related with things that we will used in the future I would do it.

Talking about the study program in a general vision I would like to change the subjects with pre-requisites reducing the pre-requisites to just one or zero, because there are some subjects that need like 2 or 3 approve subject to take it then and if you don’t pass just one of them you couldn’t take that subject the next semester and in consequence you are delaying the end of the career… That is horrible; because the workload of the career is very heavy and sometimes to save one subject you have to leave another and that hinders pass all the matters.

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