Friday, January 11, 2019

An interesting country

Hi! This week I have to write about a country that I’d like to visit and the first one that comes to my mind was Bangkok the capital of Thailand. I choose this country because the last week, when I was in my house looking for something to watch I stopped in a Food channel.  The program that I saw was “Cocineros por el mundo” and its show the food in a specific country and how it’s prepared or how much do you have to pay for it and other things and how you, dear lector, can imagine that day the program was about Bangkok.

Well, thanks that, now I know that Bangkok is called “The city that never sleep” because it has a lot of nightlife for all the young people that go to the outdoors bars and thanks the amazing street food, that also is the cheapest in Thailand. So If I go there I would like taste all the food that Is typical of that country, visit the great Buddhist temples and with that know and feel their culture.

Finally I would like to  work in Bangkok but just for a couple of years because I would like to travel to another country too and because I will miss my family so much.

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